Friday, April 05, 2019

GORP (12 varieties)

Why is it called Gorp?
The American word gorp, a term for trail mix often used by hikers in North America, is typically said to be an acronym for "good old raisins and peanuts", or its common ingredients "granola, oats, raisins, peanuts," although the mix may contain M&M's and other nuts rather than oats and granola.

12 Gorp Varieties to Hike With

There’s a reason why trail mix is a trail staple. It’s easy to make, easy to eat, and it tastes good. Eating it day after day can get a little monotonous, however, so why not try a variety of different mixtures? Here are a few I’ve mixed up for my impending hike.
Papa's traditional gorp mix 1. Papa Food

This is the classic gorp I’ve grown up with my whole childhood. I have many distinctive memories of my papa shaking up a bucket of gorp before we drive to the airport or get in the car for a road trip.

Ingredients: Mixed nuts (I used peanuts, cashews, almonds, and walnuts in this batch, but have included macadamia nuts or brazil nuts in the past), M&Ms, raisins (I prefer dried cranberries. I used golden raisins and cranberries for this batch.)

Instructions: Mix equal parts of mixed nuts, M&Ms, and raisins.

Zoe's no peanut gorp mix2. Zoë Hates Peanuts

Disclaimer: I don’t really hate peanuts (see #12), but sometimes there are just too many in trail mixes! This is my favorite, go-to blend. The almonds provide the crunch, and the cranberries provide a mild sweetness.

Ingredients: Cashews (I prefer whole, but pieces are sometimes cheaper. Salt is optional), almonds (raw or roasted, but no strange flavors), dried cranberries

Instructions: Mix equal parts of almonds, cashews, and dried cranberries. I use whole raw almonds and salted cashew pieces.
3. Zoë Hates Peanuts (Sweet Version)

The classic Zoë mixture can be made sweet if desired. It’s good with white chocolate chips, but those can get very melty on sunny trail days. If that’s something that would bother you, use M&Ms.

Ingredients: Zoë Hates Peanuts (#2), M&Ms or white chocolate chips

Instructions: Add chocolate of choice to Zoë Hates Peanuts (#2).
Coffee Bean Gorp4. Caffeine (Kimmy’s Mix)

This is a mixture that has been recommended to me by a variety of people. The first person to suggest it was fellow Appalachian Trials blogger, Kimmy.

Ingredients: Coconut flakes (or roasted chips), almonds (raw or roasted), chocolate-covered espresso/coffee beans

Instructions: Mix equal parts of coconut flakes and almonds. Add fewer of the chocolate-covered espresso/coffee beans. They’re a fairly substantial flavor and can easily overpower the rest of the mixture.
Smores Gorp5. S’mores

This idea came into being when I saw a bag of marshmallows while shopping for gorp ingredients in the grocery store. Who doesn’t love s’mores?

Ingredients: Annie’s Bunny Grahams (I found these to be the easiest to mix, but if you have another favorite graham, feel free to use that instead!), M&Ms, mini marshmallows

Instructions: Mix equal parts of graham, marshmallows, and M&Ms.
Banana Bread Gorp6. Banana Bread

I love banana bread. Nutty, gooey, tasty goodness. This mix is less gooey, and not as bready, but it still has some of the delicious flavors you associate with banana bread. Chocolate is optional, but encouraged.

Ingredients: Banana chips (break them up if they’re too large), walnuts (raw, pieces), chocolate of your choice (I used semi-sweet chocolate chips, but they may melt on hot days. Dark chocolate M&Ms are a good substitute)

Instructions: Mix equal parts of banana chips and walnuts. Add chocolate to taste. Don’t add too much! The bananas should be the heroes here.
Savory crunchy gorp7. Savory Crunch

Since most trail mixes verge some what on the sweet with chocolate or fruit, I thought it was important to include a decidedly savory mix. I have always been a fan of rye chips (yes, I pick them out of the Chex Mix), so this was a good spot to showcase them!

Ingredients: Rye chips, sesame sticks, corn nuts, optional flavoring (I like my crunch pain, but if you want to add an extra kick of flavor, go right ahead!)

Instructions: Mix equal parts of rye chips, sesame sticks, and corn nuts. Flavor as desired.
Spicy Savory Gorp8. Spicy Savory Crunch

I love wasabi peas, and this crunch is delicious with them! Regulate the spiciness by adding more or fewer wasabi peas.

Ingredients: Savory Crunch (#7), wasabi peas

Instructions: Mix as many wasabi peas as you dare into Savory Crunch (#7)!
Gorp mix Number Nine9. Number 9

This has no name right now (if you think of a good one, let me know!), but was the ninth mix I made. It’s inspired by a Gorp mix from Lou Adsmond’s The Appalachian Trail Food Planner.

Ingredients: Date pieces, walnuts, coconut flakes (or chips), optional chocolate of your choice.

Instructions: Mix equal parts of dates, walnuts, and coconut flakes. Add chocolate to taste (I prefer it without, but my mama says it needs chocolate, and mama knows all.)
Dried Fruit Gorp10. Frood

Desperate for some fruit food? Look no further than frood. Frood is also delicious in oatmeal or granola in the mornings.

Ingredients: Dried fruit of choice (my batch contains cranberries, papaya, kiwi, banana chips, and pineapple), cashews (macadamias would be a good addition too, but can be expensive), sunflower seeds

Instructions: Mixture should be 1/2 fruit, and 1/2 everything else.
11. Paxton’s Blend

After asking for gorp advice, Paxton came to the rescue with this delicious blend. I don’t have a photo because I ate it.

Ingredients: Dark chocolate M&Ms, dried raspberries, salted cashews (whole or pieces)

Instructions: Mix equal parts of dried raspberries and salted cashews. I like my gorp mixtures less chocolatey, so I included fewer M&Ms, but feel free to include as many as you like.
Peanut Gorp12. Zoë Loves Peanuts

As I said before, I don’t really hate peanuts, so here is an ode to my love for peanuts.

Ingredients: Peanut butter-filled pretzels, peanut butter M&Ms, peanuts (salted or not, your choice, but I think salt brings out the flavors)

Instructions: Mix equal parts pretzels, peanuts, and M&Ms.
Bonus: Grandma’s Birthday Mix

My mama told me that my grandmother used to make this mix for her kids’ birthday parties and set it in little muffin papers beside everyone’s plate. Well, I tried it, and it’s delicious. Thanks, Grandma! I did have a really difficult time finding butter mints though.

Ingredients: Butter mints (I had to order mine from Amazon, and they came in a 4lb bag. Anyone want mints?), peanuts (I like adding salted peanuts), M&Ms

Instructions: Mix equal parts butter mints and M&Ms. I would add slightly more peanuts since the other flavors can be overwhelming.

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