Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Sarah Silverman Interview WebMD

What's your best health habit?

Probably stretching. I really try to stretch every day. I feel like I'm in training for living the rest of my life comfortably. Before I work out, I stretch for a half hour. I try to get yoga-style patience with it and get into it and love it. But I also have the TV on.
I see the difference between people who stay in shape and those who don't, and I know I feel better when I feel like I'm strong.

What would be your perfect day?

I used to have a perfect day when I was living in New York in the summer and doing standup on the weekends. This was my Monday: I'd sleep late and then go play softball at 2 p.m. with the Improv softball team in Central Park. We'd laugh and have fun, and then after the game I'd stay and do field practice, taking millions of balls and just hitting them to anywhere in the field. Then I'd walk from the west to the east side of Central Park and always go home by way of the polar bears at the Central Park Zoo. I loved watching them swim underwater like giant, hairy men. They're so cute! Then I'd hop on the 6 Train back home downtown to the East Village, shower up, and play poker with some friends sometimes until morning, and then go out for breakfast. Oh, the comic's life!

Now, I play basketball with a bunch of friends on Sunday and we've all grown old together. We've been playing for the past 15 years, and now we have our knee braces and we have to do our special exercises because basketball will really mess you up. So we break to go out for pizza sooner. I love doing group sports with my friends and laughing.


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