Sunday, June 21, 2020

Seasonal Mood Cycle

Today I feel better now that Spring is officially behind us. Spring is a BEAR for me emotionally every year since forever.

The Summer + Winter solstices are the beginning of my transmit-mode (fun, optimism, high physical energy mode) good for cleaning, reading writing baking cooking swimming.

The Fall and Spring Equinoxes are the beginning of the dreaded receive-mode (anxiety, overwhelm and + depressive), yet good for painting, reading writing, not cleaning!

Eating more happens in transmit-mode because everything tastes so good with heightened sensory, and energy output constant.

Receive-mode used to be a near total loss of appetite which did not help my mental state.

Luckily swimming is the great equalizer giving me appetite and taming appetite to some degree. I still need to work at not over eating.

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