Thursday, February 10, 2022

Look Up

Yesterday I was thinking about how we never had dinner with our parents. Jean, our housekeeper would make us rice and lentils or open face grilled cheese for lunch but our mother always wanted a second honeymoon with our step-father. She would close the doors to the dining room so she'd be dining alone with him at 7PM after we had eaten at 5PM. 

Sundays were the only time we had meals with our parents but that stopped when I was 15 and they bought a farmhouse to renovate  2 states away. They left me home on weekends to water the plants. 

Then one summer they decided to leave me there at the farmhouse for two months. I didn't know how to fend for myself. Finally in late August I ran away. I walked out the door and walked 10 miles barefoot until my feet bled.

I tried a few more ways of leaving home until it stuck. I finally built my own life away from them, permanently at age 17.

Last night my husband Bill and I walked ROMEO in Blackstone and it was dark enough to look up and see Orion. 

We are stardust.

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