Friday, April 29, 2022

Unicorn Hospital

Last Sunday morning I saw a white plush toy on the low roof of the next door tenement. It had been thrown out the window. The next time I looked it was in the parking lot on the ground. The wind had blown it down.

A few days later Jailenys and Khi'laisha found the pink and white stuffed unicorn. By this time little white clouds of spun fiber littered the parking lot. 

"I love him," Jailenys said clutching him to her chest.

"He needs a hospital. He has a hole in his head. He can probably be fixed with a needle and thread and some stuffing," I said.

"I don't have those things. Can you fix him?" Jailenys asked.

"Not today but I'll work on gathering materials and we can make a plan." 

Yesterday I found white thread and pins scissors and magnifying glasses and a bag of old worn out socks for stuffing. When I saw the girls outside I said, "I have the materials ready. We can do it together. How about Sunday? It will be a warm day, almost seventy degrees and we can sit outside right here on the stoop and open the Unicorn Hospital." They beamed. "How does one o'clock sound?"

"Sounds good," they said. I ran inside and grabbed a notepad and wrote two notes giving them each a copy. SUNDAY 1pm UNICORN HOSPITAL at the STOOP and I wrote one for myself.

"It's a date!" I said.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a sweet thing to do - fun for you and informative for them!