Friday, December 29, 2023

Another batch of Seed Crackers

We made another batch of sourdough seed crackers last night and brought them to friends who live on  the shore. Unfortunately they were no longer crisp when we opened them today. The humidity made them BENDY! So funny!

UPDATE January 8th

I made them again just now and made them in a hotter oven. I never left the stove. The parchment paper got quite HOT and nearly burned...Buy a silipat silicone mat or bake cooler with parchment.

I also used coarse Goya brand YELLOW cornmeal as a topping to prevent sticking to the rolling pin. They are good. I made 3 blobs the size of golf balls and rolled them with cornmeal on top. Worked well. If you are near the water or are baking on a damp day the crackers might get BENDY from humidity. This happened to our crackers when we brought them to friends in Barrington last week. Just place them in the oven at 200 degrees to dry out. Go for it! have fun! XOXOXOXO

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