Tuesday, January 23, 2024

CARMEN Paris-Bastille Opera, conductor: Frédéric Chaslin. Béatrice Uria-Monzon, Sergei Larin

So nice to step out this morning and to find it was well above 20 degrees. I walked Romeo down Rathbun and everyone was out. It was 37 degrees and no wind. It's a heat wave! I said to the two homeless men sitting on the bench at Savini's and they laughed with Jack-O-Lantern smiles. If I was a philanthropist I would give everyone dental care.

I pocketed my kitchen timer after setting it to 45 minutes. That's how long I have until the bucket under the leaking cellar sink needs to be emptied. I stopped a few times to chat with the Woonsocket Water Works guys, telling them about the leak and showing them my ticking timer. I stopped to speak to a few neighbors down the street waiting for the bus with their kids but I made it back inside with 4 minutes to spare.

Now I am listening to the opera CARMEN after eating twice-baked smashed potato with ketchup and slices of cheddar cheese with pickles and green pimento-stuffed olives. I followed it up with an orange and a wine biscotti with tea for dessert.

My appetite has been quite small. I don't want the amount or choice of foods I normally like. This happened last year when I got COVID. I lost 7 pounds in a week. Running up and down to empty the bucket has been quite a bit of unexpected exercise. So far I don't mind. I still count us as lucky that we were there in time to discover the leak. We could have flooded the whole cellar and all of our clothes if my husband and I were not there to catch it.

The calamities are a respite from the ghosts. This is the time of year that the ghost of my narcissistic mother comes to visit. Just like in the folktales the sins of the parents get played out in future generations. The artists, writers, and truth-tellers are forever banished from the family. So we wait until the next generation comes asking questions. Sometimes it takes decades! We will always be ready. This blog is the answer to their questions just in case they are curious to learn the family secrets.

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