Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Cocoa Biscotti (my new stage name)


1 and a half tsp baking powder, kosher salt, 1 and 2/3 c flour, 1/2 c cocoa powder, 3 whole large eggs,  THEN(lots of) almond extract to moisten, & a teaspoon of homemade vanilla extract. 

bake for 20 minutes at 375. cool 10 minutes, and slice with serrated knife at an angle. lay slices down, and re-bake for 10 minutes at low 250. Enjoy!!

Inspired and adapted from:


I will try these with 3 eggs and zero butter and maybe...a dash of coffee to moisten. Stay tuned.

 I think I need a higher quality cocoa and to add chocolate chips as the original recipe suggested.

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