Friday, January 19, 2024

Findings and Fittings

I couldn't find my sunglasses or my black fleece hat so I frantically tipped over my zebra bag onto the floor and they flew out. Where the black fleece hat is, is still a mystery. So I wore a balaclava I found years ago. It makes me look like a sperm from the Woody Allen film, so I wore my hoodie and turtle fleece neck thingy over it. It was warm.

Earlier I wore my Revolutionary three point felt hat when I took out the trash & recycling bins along with my red fleece vest I call "the tomato" because of it's unflattering shape along with my tall yellow rubber boots. My undercover detective name should be Yellow Boots.

I met a nice man, Al, at the pink and yellow San Francisco looking house on Chester Street. Then as I came by the former schoolhouse apartments I found a Nike gray sweatshirt frozen on the chain link fence. 

I rescued it and it's in my wash right now. Nearly all of my winter clothes are finds.

Findings and fittings.

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