Friday, January 19, 2024

FRIDAY: Culinary January

After my big swim and shower and then soup for breakfast, I walked Romeo to Chester Street. I found a NIKE gray zipper cotton sweatshirt on my walk. It was frozen to the chain link fence on Social Street. I extracted it and thew it into the laundry when I got home. My husband laughed. Since I can't seem to have enough gray zipper sweatshirts in my life. The gods planted it there for me, I said, laughing.

Then we went to the bank because I clicked on a Creuset kitchenware scam on Instagram. Luckily my bank automatically cancelled my bank card. AMEN to them!! All Instagram sales are too good to be true because they are scams.
Then we went to Stop and Shop for bananas and vanilla-orange seltzer and fresh whole coffee beans (Stop and Shop brand Colombian Supremo) and, wait for it . . .  a TWELVE POUND PORK SHOULDER on SALE for 22 dollars instead of 34 dollars. 
This former vegetarian loves to cook meat. I use meat in a way that is less scary to me. I dilute it with vegetables or add it to soups and salads, chili, tacos, meatballs, etc.
So we are cooking it in the instant pot for 3 hours (15 minutes a pound) after sauteing it in olive oil with garlic powder, salt, pepper, paprika, and then roasting it in a chicken bullion broth with Worcestershire sauce.
This leaves the oven free to bake Russet potatoes for more smashed twice-baked potatoes I learned about from Chef Michael Smith. And you know a ten-pound bag of Russets is cheaper than a five-pound bag. 
I eat the smashed potatoes with ketchup! They are crispy and better than the Nathan's wide crinkle-cut french fries served in a paper cone, the french fries of my childhood, on Brighton Beach, while visiting my Coney Island grandparents Sophie and Nat.
We are still enjoying the chocolate almond banana mistake with coffee.

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