Sunday, January 21, 2024

Munchausen's By Proxy

When I was a kid I did gymnastics, ceramics, swimming, African Dance, and after puberty poetry and oil painting. As a child I had a menagerie in my bedroom, gerbils, tropical fish, a ticklish white Abyssinian Guinea pig named Blanche and a rabbit, terrariums and cactus on my windowsil.

My mother was extremely threatened by my self contained introverted energy especially when I hit puberty. 

That's when if I went running or bicycling she'd stay at the window wringing her hands only to greet me saying I was out too long.

Now I realize why. She wanted me to be sick and tied to her. To take care of HER. She didn't care about my health. Like a true narcissist I was just her tool.

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