Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Suicide without Dying

Forty-six years ago I ran away to save my life. My mother was on the war path, wanting to eviscerate me under the guise of medical necessity. This was her MORPHING of reality. Nonetheless it cemented my role as SCAPEGOAT. 

Who is the fairest of them all? the Queen shouted into her mirror. 

Go after the smartest most talented and therefore most threatening child. Call her stubborn! EVISCERATE HER!!! TIE HER TO ME!! Bring me her intestines, hunter!

So whenever I would try again to reach out to the family they would hand me my script. I would kick it out of their hands and retreat. Decades flew by. Now my parents are dead. I try again. I am startled by the time warp. What I find is NO TIME has passed for my siblings and THEY STILL HAND ME THE SCRIPT. I kick it out of their hands. I have to walk away AGAIN. I swear I am not going to try again. Goodbye. Farewell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a Magellan GPS once. We called her Madge.

One day as I entered a section of the highway known in FL as Alligator Alley which runs thru the Everglades, Madge told me me next exit was 92 miles away. Which it was but somehow it cracked me up.

Another time I took Madge with me for my rental car use in NYC. As I’m driving a bit 🤣 over the speed limit Madge all if a sudden yells “slow down “. Not really knowing the road I then entered a turn that I would have been going to fast for. Madge saved me from an accident!! I’ll never forget that as Madge never gave any kind of direction like that before or since.

I no longer have Madge but I think of her often and of her admonishment to slow down.