Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Farm Shade

When we first moved into our house, my husband asked me what shall we plant in our new yard? I said, anything edible; fruit trees, rows of corn, potatoes, broccoli, tomatoes! I said, why mow the lawn and trim shrubs when you can be harvesting asparagus and plucking herbs, but I'm no farmer. When it comes to gardening I have no patience! I'd rather work or swim or bake or eat, than garden. We live in the city, and our yard was a vacant lot, a small and sandy pit. My husband imagined trees and bushes and began to cultivate them. He rescued shrubs and plants that he spotted on walks and drives. He even cultivated a crabapple tree from a lone crabapple! He planted cuttings donated by friends and relatives. He patiently collected, watered, and nurtured these plants which are now a gorgeous jungle of a backyard. The only trees in our neighborhood are here! We farm shade!!

1 comment:

Rachel Nguyen said...

Shade is a hot commodity in the city. Even here in Warwick, our house doesn't have nearly enough of it.

15 years ago, we transplanted a silver maple seedling from behind our above ground pool. It's now 40 feet tall. This year we transplanted a pin oak that had sidled up to the house. It didn't make it, I am afraid, but the other silver maple we rescued did. Come by in 15 years and our North side will have shade too!