Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Anne Tyler

For me, writing something down was the only road out.
-Anne Tyler

What I hope for from a book - either one that I write or one that I read - is transparency. I want the story to shine through. I don't want to think of the writer.
-Anne Tyler

I've always thought a hotel ought to offer optional small animals. I mean a cat to sleep on your bed at night, or a dog of some kind to act pleased when you come in. You ever notice how a hotel room feels so lifeless?
-Anne Tyler

If I waited till I felt like writing, I'd never write at all.
-Anne Tyler

In real life I avoid all parties altogether, but on paper I can mingle with the best of them.

-Anne Tyler

I've never quite believed that one chance is all I get.
-Anne Tyler

It's true that writing is a solitary occupation, but you would be surprised at how much companionship a group of imaginary characters can offer once you get to know them.
-Anne Tyler

I write because I want more than one life; I insist on a wider selection. It’s greed, plain and simple. When my characters join the circus, I’m joining the circus. Although I’m happily married, I spent a great deal of time mentally living with incompatible husbands.
-Anne Tyler

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