Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Daniel Asa Rose

Today is the birthday of writer, Daniel Asa Rose. His most recent book is "LARRY'S KIDNEY: Being the True Story of How I Found Myself in China With my Black Sheep Cousin and His Mail-Order Bride, Skirting the Law to Get Him a Transplant ... and Save His Life" (Morrow, 2009) which was named “one of the top books of the year” by Publishers Weekly. He has won many awards including a National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship in writing. His novel, “FLIPPING FOR IT,” a black comedy about divorce written from the man’s point of view, was a New York Times New and Notable Paperback.

His short story collection, “SMALL FAMILY WITH ROOSTER,” included stories selected for two PEN Awards and for inclusion in the O. Henry Prize Stories. His memoir, “HIDING PLACES: A Father and his Sons Retrace Their Family's Escape From the Holocaust,” earned starred reviews in both Publishers Weekly (“brilliant”) and Kirkus (“remarkable”), as well as the New England Booksellers Discovery Award and inclusion in “Best Jewish Writing 2003.”

Formerly the arts & culture editor of the Forward newspaper, he has published in The New Yorker, Esquire, GQ, Vanity Fair, The New York Observer, New York Magazine, The New York Times Magazine, The New York Times Book Review, Playboy, Ploughshares, North American Review, Partisan Review, Southern Review, et al.


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