Thursday, September 19, 2013

Edward Gorey

I've never had any intentions about anything. That's why I am where I am today, which is neither here nor there, in a literal sense.

If something doesn't creep into a drawing that you're not prepared for, you might as well not have drawn it.

The helpful thought for which you look

Is written somewhere in a book.

My favorite journey is looking out the window.

Books, Cats, Life is Good.

I am a person before I am anything else. I never say I am a writer. I never say I am an artist...I am a person who does those things.

When people are finding meaning in things -- beware.

I really think I write about everyday life. I don't think I'm quite as odd as others say I am. Life is intrinsically, well, boring and dangerous at the same time. At any given moment the floor may open up. Of course, it almost never does; that's what makes it so boring.

My mission in life is to make everybody as uneasy as possible. I think we should all be as uneasy as possible, because that's what the world is like.

The Suicide, as she is falling,
Illuminated by the moon,
Regrets her act, and finds appalling
The thought she will be dead so soon.

― Edward Gorey

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