Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Are you in love? What are you reading?

“I always wanted to ask people: “Are you in love? What are you reading?”
― Françoise Sagan, A Certain Smile

“A Strange melancholy pervades me to which I hesitate to give the grave and beautiful name of sorrow. The idea of sorrow has always appealed to me but now I am almost ashamed of its complete egoism. I have known boredom, regret, and occasionally remorse, but never sorrow. Today it envelops me like a silken web, enervating and soft, and sets me apart from everybody else.”
― Françoise Sagan, Bonjour tristesse

“I shall live badly if I do not write, and I shall write badly if I do not live.”
― Francoise Sagan

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”
― Sagan

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