Sunday, October 27, 2019

Fish Tanks and Sewing Machines

I have a distinct mood cycle. When my mood is high I fantasize about setting up an aquarium in my living room but when my mood drops I can't imagine what I was thinking. Two people have given me fish tanks which are still empty, in my cellar along with the huge bucket of gravel and a pump. I even won a fish tank from a pet store when I entered their free contest on a whim. When my mood inevitably dropped I sheepishly told the pet store to please give it to someone else. I was so embarrassed but they were fine about it and had another family to give it to. My other obsession when my mood is high is my sewing machine. I have collected fabric over the years as well as many sewing patterns. My sewing machine is an old and beautiful tool but I rarely use it. Every time my mood lifted I would fantasize bringing it down from the attic. I thought I never sewed because it was too cold or too hot up there. So after many years my husband and I finally moved it into my studio. Now it's ridiculous and in the way and I think I should move it back to the attic. As side effects of my mood cycle I think these things are rather humorous. "It could be so much worse," I said to my husband.

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