Wednesday, July 29, 2020


“Anything is possible with a parent. Parents are gods. They make us and they destroy us. They warp the world and remake it in their own shape, and that's the world we know forever after. It's the only world. We can't see what it might have looked like otherwise.”
― David Vann, Aquarium

“Each thing that happens to us, each and every thing, it leaves some dent, and that dent will always be there. Each of us is a walking wreck.”
― David Vann, Aquarium

“Even now, I still believe metamorphosis is the greatest beauty.”
― David Vann, Aquarium

“The dead reaching for us, needing us, but this isn't true. There's only us reaching for them, trying to find ourselves.”
― David Vann, Aquarium

“The worst part of childhood is not knowing that bad things pass, that time passes. A terrible moment in childhood hovers with s kind of eternity, unbearable.”
― David Vann, Aquarium

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