Wednesday, January 19, 2022

We all basically live in a world that we define by the people who have disappeared. Tom Perrotta, The Leftovers

  “It just took some people a little longer than others to realize how few words they needed to get by, how much of life they could negotiate in silence.”
Tom Perrotta, The Leftovers 

 “Once you'd broken through that invisible barrier that separates one person from another, you were connected forever, whether you liked it or not.”
Tom Perrotta, The Abstinence Teacher  

“Things change all the time - abruptly, unpredictably, and often for no good reason. But knowing that didn't do you that much good, apparently.”
Tom Perrotta, The Leftovers

“Because, really, what was worse than lying wide-awake in the dark, watching your life drip away, one irreplaceable minute after another?”
Tom Perrotta, The Abstinence Teacher


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