Peter's wife Nancy signed the title in the wrong spot, where it says
Lien Holder. Luckily the RI DMV lady was nice and said, "We have a remedy
for everything." Then she gave me the remedy form and used glow marker
to indicate where we had to sign.
"Okay, so she and I only sign where the
glowy lines are?" I asked, smiling. She said yes and smiled back, and then said, "Tell her to explain the
error here."
"Oh, could YOU explain the error there for her, please?" She did. "Thank you!"
Later my husband noticed her big loopy handwriting, and also that she had spelled "lien" wrong, but hopefully that won't be another glitch!
I got the bright idea to have us drive over to Nancy's house since Peter
was at work and his phone was overloaded with messages when I tried calling him. I knew that Nancy wouldn't answer the door, but Nancy's sister Linda knows me and lives next door to
Peter and Nancy.
I rang Linda's bell. Luckily she was home. I told her about the glitch while apologizing for disturbing her. I showed her where Nancy needed to sign. She took the paper over to Nancy and was able to get the signatures.
Back home I was able to get an early DMV appointment for tomorrow, right when they open. So I'm feeling pretty LUCKY! We texted Sam our mechanic and I will phone him when I have the plates in my hands! Fingers crossed!
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