Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Strawberry Moon

It's the strawberry moon. The men in glowy yellow-green hard-hats are digging up the street to detach the two houses that just sold separately. Their sewer lines were joined from back when one man owned both homes. Now the yard is a mountain of dirt. Yesterday the street was dug up. The cost of this work must be at least 50k.

The air is the perfect temperature 70 degrees and dry today but it will rise up to mid 80's. Right now there's a breeze on the west side of the house. I am listening to classical guitar ala bulldozers. 

Romeo and I walked downtown in the cool shade at 8AM and saw Jungie polishing windows at the post office. I saw Jamie my former favorite mail carrier too driving out from Dunkin with her pooch. Some days are all about seeing the folks you love. Feeling the love. God knows we feel the reverse on many other days.

I sliced 3 eggplants the long way and salted them with kosher salt and they have been weeping the bitter tears (juices). Next I will rinse them and pat them dry with a clean dishcloth. I love every vegetable but more recently I have discovered grilling them. We grilled asparagus on Saturday (laying them crossways on the grill) and they tasted heavenly hot and cold. Last summer we salvaged a grill and my husband rebuilt it. Now with the warm weather here we've been grilling veggies more often and eating them on salads with nuts and seeds and red onions, with sides of kimchi and German potato salad. I make a sunflower seed buttermilk dressing.

My friend came back from Italy and mentioned the gigantic grapefruit-sized lemoncello lemons he saw on his trip to the Amalfi coast. We have lemoncello white chocolate covered almonds from Joblot. I love lemon. I should make lemon meringue pie or key lime pie someday. I'm not into sweets except when I am already feeling happy. Like now. But I am too busy doing other things. So I have the quick fix: dark chocolate and hot coffee. Feel the love.

In transmit mode everything is super sensory. Fabric, scents, people, the air, sounds, skin, windshield wipers, everything is seen from the sensual side of the moon. It's just as exhausting as receive mode but in the opposite way. I have to take a reading nap every afternoon to slow down my RPM's (revolutions per minute). Many revolutions are happening in my mind.

Jungie and I saw the tattooed woman walking while vigorously waving her arms. She wears squeezy plum colored pants, and is very tan. "How much do you walk? I see you everywhere," Jungie asked as she walked by.

She's plugged in, I said.

23 miles, she said, 4AM-10AM, or half in the morning and half at night.

Very impressive! Jungie said

Four miles an hour, that must take six hours. I'd feel so naked wearing squeezy pants walking alone, without my dog for protection, I said to Jungie as she disappeared. Good for her. It's great that she feels safe in the world especially as a woman.

This air makes me want to listen to David Bowie or stand on my roof and play my accordion naked in high heels.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! Emily, you write like you paint. It is bold and colorful and wild and gentle. Yes! There are "many revolutions happening in your mind!" Like your painting, your writing leads us to steeple heights and winding paths. Thank you! Thank you, dear, magical, Urban Mermaid. Let the wonder keep spilling from
your pen to our delight. GiGi Desaulniers

GiGi Desaulniers