Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Helen Russell

 I read a lot and I listen a lot. The last three books I’ve really enjoyed and tend to recommend are Sara Pascoe’s Animal, Robert Webb’s How Not To Be A Boy, Laura Barnett’s The Versions of Us. But mainly I people-watch and eavesdrop – and I often find myself in absurd situations. I’ve always been a magnet for the ridiculous so writing is a great way of making sense of the world around me. Plus I like to keep on learning, so I’m always keen to research new topics or different ways of living – something I find incredibly inspiring.

And only do it if you love it – because it isn’t an easy option. It’s an unusual lifestyle and a lot of work. I sweat when I write – it becomes a physical thing, acting out dialogue and blocking movement. You have to live it.

Helen Russell

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