Tuesday, August 30, 2022

How we react to the tragedy of one small person accurately reflects our attitude towards a whole nationality

“How we react to the tragedy of one small person accurately reflects our attitude towards a whole nationality, and increasing the numbers doesn't change much.”
Anna Politkovskaya, Is Journalism Worth Dying For?: Final Dispatches

“People sometimes pay with their lives for saying aloud what they think. In fact, one can even get killed for giving me information. I am not the only one in danger. I have examples that prove it.”
Anna Politkovskaya

“We are hurtling back into a Soviet abyss, into an information vacuum that spells death from our own ignorance. All we have left is the internet, where information is still freely available. For the rest, if you want to go on working as a journalist, it's total servility to Putin. Otherwise, it can be death, the bullet, poison, or trial—whatever our special services, Putin's guard dogs, see fit.”
Anna Politkovskaya

“Do you still think the world is vast? That if there is a conflagration in one place it does not have a bearing on another, and that you can sit it out in peace on your veranda admiring your absurd petunias?”
Anna Politkovskaya

“At least a circus performance does not last long, and the regime availing itself of the services of clownish journalists has the longevity of a mouldering mushroom.”
Anna Politkovskaya, Is Journalism Worth Dying For?: Final Dispatches

“What matter is the information, not what you think about it.”
Anna Politkovskaya, Is Journalism Worth Dying For?: Final Dispatches

“This political line is wholly neo-Soviet: human beings do not have independent existences, they are cogs in the machine whose function is to implement unquestioningly whatever political escapades those in power dream up. Cogs have no rights. Not even to dignity in death.”
Anna Politkovskaya, Putin's Russia

“VLADIMIR BYKOVSKY, Chuvashia: “Do you allow yourself emotions?” PUTIN: “Unfortunately, I do.” DOBROSLAVA”
Anna Politkovskaya, A Russian Diary

“Shortly after the elections, Putin went so far as to inform us that Parliament was a place not for debate, but for legislative tidying up. He was pleased that the new Duma would not be given to debating.”
Anna Politkovskaya, A Russian Diary

“The poor are not property owners, so the democrats ignored them. The nationalists did not. Not”
Anna Politkovskaya, A Russian Diary

“When the Fascists entered Denmark, the Jews were ordered to sew yellow stars on their clothing so they could be easily recognized. The Danes promptly sewed on yellow stars, both to save the Jews and to save themselves from turning into Fascists. Their king joined with them. In”
Anna Politkovskaya, Putin's Russia: Life in a Failing Democracy

“PUTIN: “No civilized state can live without a legislative institution. A great deal depends on the Duma. We expect efficient, systematic work.” ALEXANDER”
Anna Politkovskaya, A Russian Diary

“Maintaining the territorial integrity of the state was recently one of our own main problems and priorities. By and large that task has been accomplished. Following these principles, we cannot refuse to apply them to our neighbors.”
Anna Politkovskaya, A Russian Diary

“Alvi also told them that the main reason his family was in Moscow and not in Chechnya, in spite of how uncomfortable things were for them here, was to enable their children to go to school without a war taking place around them. Zulai was a math teacher, but she had to work at a market stall in Moscow, not something she was good at. They spent their evenings rolling chicken cutlets to sell in the morning. Everything he and Zulai did was for the sake of their children. “Well, how about that! They’re worming their way right into the center of Moscow! And they expect to be given a $500 apartment!” This was the reaction of the parents’ committee to Alvi’s appeal.
Anna Politkovskaya, Putin's Russia: Life in a Failing Democracy

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