Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Letter to a Friend about Inner Strength

Be strong and telegraph strength. You are stronger than all of them. Don't apologize for it! Don't apologize for your gifts.

The coworkers will attack when they sense submissive behavior--just like dogs.

You don't need to prove anything to anyone.

This cowering proving behavior is a response to the inner voice of your family. Stare your family down. 

You are beautiful, worthy, amazing, smart, and your family is not so exceptional, I'm sorry to say. They let you down and they lose out on magnificent you!

You only need to do your job, no more no less. You don't need to call everyone when you have an appointment, just your supervisor.

Try telegraphing STRENGTH and CONFIDENCE (with co-workers and family) and watch what happens. They will back off and be scared of you as they should be. You have strength!!

I have to remind myself of this too. It's a battle. A battle worth being aware of and worth fighting!

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