Thursday, January 25, 2024

Sneaky Saboteurs

What does it mean when you try to help someone and they deliberately sabotage themselves. My mother was like this. After we all left home to escape injury by her, she'd injure herself. She'd go to the doctor and he'd say, "It's a sprain, let your shoulder heal, Don't lift anything." So she would immediately lift something heavy and then go to a fancy sports doctor and schedule surgery.  She'd have surgery at the drop of a hat. She'd hallucinate and cry and speak under anesthesia to process her grief. With all of these episodes she had lots to talk about. Then she'd move on to her eyes, nine eye operations, replacement surgery on both of her knees, removal of the gallbladder, hip replacement and eventually dementia took her.

So no wonder why I go bananas when people in my orbit sabotage efforts to prevent serious illness or death. Avoiding the COVID vaccine, avoiding PAXLOVID the antiviral, avoiding having a doctor or dentist, veterinarian, car mechanic, boiler man. You name it but I've noticed that the independent streak is really a fear and control streak, and sometimes it can damage your life in a profound way. 

My roofer performed surgery on himself to remove a one inch cyst under his arm, at home using you-tube as his guide.

We are in the age of information without many humans being able to think or distinguish what is truth.

This is very dangerous because all of that loose energy can get sucked up into the tornado of war, dictatorship and impulsive killing.

Perhaps it was ever thus.

Is there no such thing as progress?

This is my concern and fear.

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