Thursday, May 31, 2007

Metaphoric Vision

I've often thought of those old-fashioned stereoscopic 3D viewers with the two matched sepia images as a metaphor for my divided psyche, the receive and transmit halves. These two parts combine together to create 3D, to make up the whole of my vision; life in one eye, death in the other, or receiving with one eye, transmitting with the other. If you cover one eye you eliminate visual depth. Both eyes are needed for the full vision.


Anonymous said...

Emily - I have no depth perception - my eyes work separately. Usually the right eye's perceptions get to my brain; the left eye sees, but doesn't get received by my brain. Unless I cover up the right eye. Guess what? When I look at the same view with one eye at a time, the colors change subtlety. that's cool...

Anonymous said...

Emily, I also have no depth perception. I can't tell where in the air a ball is when it gets thrown to me. I have one eye that is near-sighted, and one eye that is far-sighted. this means that i read with my right eye, and can see far with my left eye. I know this effects my ability to "see" the things I photograph. What i think is strange is that when i do close-ups, I use my far-sighted eye to look into the camera, and my near-sighted eye to scan my composition.