Friday, February 01, 2013

Jessica Lange

Though my dark side is dormant right now, it continues to play a big role in whatever capacity I have to be creative. That's the well I'm able to tap into, where all the anguish, rage and sadness are stored.

There aren't many characters in American literature as tormented as Blanche, and it's amazing what this work can do to you physically.

When you're acting, your nervous system doesn't understand that it's just pretend, and lying in bed last night I could feel everything trembling.

In doing the play I realized it was imperative that I learn how to NOT be devoured by the characters I play, and I'm working much differently now.

Instead of setting specific tasks for myself or thinking about what the expectations of the scene are, I try to get myself into a neutral state and then I just start. I've found that if you get yourself into the right state, the emotions will come and they'll come very purely and powerfully.

Actors are always at the mercy of the integrity of the director. It's a leap of faith, and sometimes you leap into the abyss and it doesn't pay off.

-Jessica Lange, Los Angeles Times

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