Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Carrot Girl

When I was 13 I went to summer camp with a girl whose skin was a pale carotene orange. She lived on carrots and boiled eggplant. I never knew someone who was so thin. What a sad thing to do to those beloved vegetables and to one's growing body. At camp she continually looked for opportunities to streak naked across the green, to attract a particular young man, but it was not a pleasing sight. She stayed at our house once and gave me a photo of herself when she was gorgeous and voluptuous and wore a sleeveless Indian print dress. Then later after dinner she tried to show me how to make myself vomit. Not my idea of fun. Then she wanted to go to bed at 9PM which struck me as insane. I was used to calling my friends at 11:30 PM to make plans for the night. Where were my parents and siblings? God knows.

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