Saturday, August 24, 2019

Jamie Sullivan of SHAWS MEATS is Retiring Tuesday

Dear Jamie,
I sure will miss you. I remember coming to your shop for the first time as a vegetarian. When I saw your whole family happy gorgeous smiling children I thought "what could be bad about meat?"

I remember coming by when my dog Honey was dying, of kidney disease and you said "just love her". It was the bst advice ever. And I came by when I adopted Lily, and you invited us in even though she was a dog! And when my father died, when my mother died, when the drug dealers were taking over the neighborhood and I was frazzled. You have been a pillar of strength and teaching through fabulous storytelling and being a person of INTEGRITY and human decency. We felt like part of your family as everyone of your customers did. I loved when you showed us the photo of the day you bought the former gas station which would become your butcher shop...and told us the story about how your wife was mad.

The shop and meat counter was always breathtakingly beautiful. Clean glass aesthetically arranged cuts. Your apron always CLEAN! and most of all you and your staff treated us with kindness.

We will miss YOU.


I wish that we could see you and Judy at our picnic table (or location of your choice) sometime. We love to bake and cook and share!

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