Saturday, December 28, 2019

Bone Marrow

"It's been around for a while, but bone marrow seems to be going mainstream," she said.

And why not? Marrow is cheap, nourishing and tastes fantastic.

"Bone marrow is a bit like the poor man's foie gras. It has that wonderful smooth texture and fabulous taste and it's generally not that expensive," Ms. McLagan explained.

And while it's rich, it's arguably quite healthful, because it contains a lot of monounsaturated fats. In her cookbook, "Fat: An Appreciation of a Misunderstood Ingredient, With Recipes," she argues that fat is an essential, healthy ingredient and that many animal fats, like bone marrow, are wrongly maligned as unhealthful and artery clogging, when in fact they have a lot in common with olive oil. According to her book, the fat in calf bone marrow is typically 31 percent saturated, 63 percent monounsaturated and 6 percent polyunsaturated.


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