Wednesday, December 18, 2019

baking five loaves of semolina sourdough

Monday morning I mixed up a batch of dough in a bucket using a teaspoon of yeast, kosher salt, my rye sourdough starter, semolina flour, some pinhead oats and cornmeal. I placed it in the fridge. Each day it rose a bit more, developing flavor, working the magic. This morning at 6AM I cut and shaped the dough placing them into greased loaf pans. I used my bench cutter to make a cut down the middle of each loaf so they could expand correctly. I let them proof in the unheated oven. Usually I start with a cold oven because it's easy and out of the way. Also, I can pay attention hoping to allow the dough some last minute push as the oven preheats. After two hours they were ready to bake. They rose beautifully and are a golden yellow from the semolina flour. The scent is extraordinary.

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