Thursday, December 31, 2020

Apples of the Earth and Tree

 I fried the last two onions of 2020 in olive oil and added leftover cooked cubed potatoes and frozen spinach and Adobo and bloops of Chianti and salt and it was good. End of the year contents of fridge supper.

 Then I took the leftover cooked Irish oatmeal and made a sourdough oat corn wheat rye to bake tomorrow.

 Now we're making a vat of applesauce from 4 varieties of ripe apples; Baldwins Empires Cortlands Spencers.  We pressure cooked the vat of apples for 5 minutes. Then we used our food mill to separate the skins and cores. 

We finally wore out the food mill. I believe she's processed over 100 gallons in her life. She was showing signs of cracking. So we're using a strainer and wooden spoon and it's working.

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