Monday, March 08, 2010

Canine Comedians

Yesterday Lily ran in the baseball field at Cass Park. There were two young men walking their pitbulls near us but outside the fence. The dogs and their owners seemed friendly, so I asked them if they wanted to bring their dogs inside the gate to play with Lily. They said sure. Lily was assertive about getting the dogs to run with her. Lily loves running-mates. The two male pitbulls tried their best to keep up with Lily's long-legged stride. It was fun to watch them running in high speed circles. The smaller pitbull ran like a bunny. The big pitbull was fast. Get 'em tired, a tired dog is a happy dog, I said. The owners were laughing. We were all happy that the dogs were having a blast. After a few minutes they were exhausted. The bigger of the two brown pitbulls was panting and smiling broadly. He lay down in a shallow mud puddle and had a dark brown butt when he got up. I laughed. We left the field, and I brought Lily over to the brook a few yards away. She stepped in, lay down, and then sprawled. She cooled off by drinking water from this lounging position. What a bunch of canine comedians.

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