Monday, January 25, 2021

Mood Journal

Listening to WQXR my childhood classical station. The announcer has a fake European accent I can tell because it's inconsistent. 

Back burner idea: We collect all of our MOOD related poems and stories for a collaboration. Don't you think if other moody artists read our stuff they'd be comforted like we are by May Sarton?

I woke at 12:30 after sleeping at 8PM. I am in my office drinking water streaming WQXR my NYC childhood classical radio station and looking at the sketches on my light table that need to be made into finishes.

My two 74 year old early bird swim ladies are expecting me at 6AM at the YMCA. I blew off last week due to a YMCA policy change (only one slot allowed but normally we get two) but then I wrote a letter the CEO asking him about it. He agreed with me and changed it back.

At 5:AM I'll make Bill's breakfast and lunch (toast, sunflower seeds almonds raisins figs prunes granola, hot coffee (thermos) cold coffee (thermos) apple banana. So I have some time. I love the middle of the night quiet although I usually play Stevie Ray Vaughn or Luciano Pavarotti when doing finish work. (my two crushes!)

This is the erratic schedule that hits me for about a week 2x a year when I move from receive mode to transmit mode. Self care is drink water, sleep, swim, write, eat well, read + rest with Romeo in the chill out room (the room that has a couch and is not my office).

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