Sunday, February 27, 2022

Last Night

Last night we were upstairs watching a film. At around 9PM I heard the doorbell ringing repeatedly and then there was pounding on the door. My husband went down to check. Romeo was barking. I heard a woman's voice. I put on my slippers and sweatshirt and came down.

I smelled cigarette smoke. A distraught large-boned young woman was standing in the back room with a pink walking brace on her ankle. "He said he would kill me," she said. She showed me the purple bruises on the inside of her mouth. "He was being all sweet and then he'd turn on me when I tried to leave."

"He put his hand on my mouth when I tried to scream. Other adults were trying to lift him off of me. My instinct told me to get out."

"You did the right thing."

"Sorry to bother you."

"I'm glad you did, we're glad to help."

My husband called the police number and handed her the phone. We told her our street address and that we'd take her out front to meet the police so her attacker wouldn't see her. I handed her a glass of water and ran to find two bottles of water for her to take with her.

"I just want to go home, I hope the police can give me a ride home. I'm so scared he will come find me and kill me."

"Our police are excellent, they will help you stay safe." As I walked her down the steep granite stairs to meet the policeman two more showed up.

I hope she's feeling better. She trusted her gut. She trusted that we were a safe house.

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