Saturday, August 13, 2022

persona non grata

per·so·na non gra·ta /ˌpərˌsōnə ˌnän ˈɡrädə/ Learn to pronounce noun noun: persona non grata; plural noun: personae non gratae, an unacceptable or unwelcome person.

Sometimes it's more fun not to know anyone at the pool. During the pandemic I went swimming at 6AM every day for 2 years.  After the 2 years I felt like I  was going CRAZY,  seeing the same people EVERY DAY as if I worked in an office. I was surprised to see 70+80 year olds act like junior high schoolers! The regular 6AM swimmers had to have the same swim lane and the same parking space and same lockers and everything and they would actually verbally and physically FIGHT each other over these things. And God forbid you wanted to change lanes or locker rooms or swim times. They'd say, "You don't like us anymore!" And perhaps they've made it come true.

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