Monday, October 15, 2007

Apple Schlumpf

I just recently made what I call apple schlumpf, an apple betty which I learned to make as a hippie apple pie! A dozen small apples cored and sliced but unpeeled, baked with a granola-style oat topping. Set the sliced apples in a baking dish. Make the topping by first heating and stirring together 1/4 cup molasses (mine is blackstrap but any kind will do), 1/4 cup sugar, 1/4 cup corn oil, vanilla, pinch of baking soda, pinch of salt, and sprinkles of cinnamon & nutmeg (or you can put the cinnamon and nutmeg over the apples instead), then stirring in a quart of rolled oats until the oats are coated with the dark sweet sticky mixture. Then spread the oat mixture over the apples and bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 50 minutes.

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