Friday, May 13, 2011

Mary Munslow

Mary Munslow, the mother of our friend Keith, passed away recently. This is from a remembrance written by her children:
Mary Munslow's mothering was a blend of pure unconditional love, devotion, and a natural flair for knowing what kids need to grow up happy, productive and well fed. Her feeling was:

If you can get a child to love to read, he'll do just fine.

Lovingkindness equals 10,000 well-packed school lunches.

If anyone - schoolteacher, noisy neighbor, bully, or ex lover - crosses your child, stand up for her always.

The four food groups consist of: Swedish cookies, Chinese pie, Yorkshire pudding, and whoopie pies.

Never criticize, condemn, or otherwise seek to control how your child chooses to live his or her life.

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