Sunday, July 24, 2011


I went to a pig roast a few weeks ago. My friend Tony Makalinaw invented and constructed a motorized rotisserie which is suspended over an oil drum which has been sliced in half horizontally and painted black. He calls it the OINKMASTER. The name is sculpted in metal script on the lower right side of the metal drum like on an old 60's Buick. After the pig was roasted it was parceled out into large trays set up under a buffet tent like troughs, but the pig's head was still sitting upright on the cutting table. A 7-year-old boy asked Tony for the pig's eyeball. Tony proudly and masterfully dug the eye out with a thin sharp knife and dropped the cooked eyeball into the boy's outstretched palm. The boy was ecstatic and popped it into his mouth and ate it with complete satisfaction. "A meat grape!" Tony said. The boy's mother squealed and said to the boy, "No bedtime kiss from me!" "Can I have the other one?" the boy asked.

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