Thursday, October 08, 2015

Sidewalk Friends

I am a loner but my dog, Lily is a long legged blonde socialite. She insists we go out and meet people at least three times a day and actually I am grateful. I try to look as good as her on most days. Lily regularly jumps into the arms of men repairing the streets or raking in the park. I have met everyone within a 2 mile radius of my house. When I am in the market people come up to me and say You're the dog lady, I see you everywhere, where's your dog? She's not much of a shopper, I tell them and we both laugh. Over the years I have become friends with many of the folks on my walks. Sometimes my walks can last up to three hours because we've been chatting on the sidewalk. I have seen kids grow up, people get married, adopt pets, build pools, rebuild roofs, add sun rooms, paint houses, tear down trees, put up fences, plant roses. People get arrested, divorced, die, you name it. Life from the sidewalk is always fascinating.

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