Saturday, March 26, 2016

Purple and Chocolate

This morning I was dreaming about making raven costumes for the band out of Bill's old pants with plastic milk jugs to support the beaks. I knew it was time to get up. My brain starts up at 3AM knowing my 4AM rising is right around the corner. My dog feels the same way and she starts salivating. Morning is sacred, there's a silence I can appreciate and I am usually not grouchy if I have slept well. A day is like a lifetime. I have to hurry up because I don't last forever. I am jealous of all of the Christians who get to have this glorious festive weekend. I'm left with a lot of questions. What is the symbolism of purple, and of chocolate? This year Passover is a month away. Theoretically that's my holiday, but it's more like Lent for me. I am allergic to wine, and I am an avid bread baker on a holiday that forbids bread. Perhaps it's all the more reason to celebrate. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church around the corner will have their festivities May first due to calendar discrepancies and "leap month". When is the Thai spring festival? I love to celebrate with the monks in orange robes. When is Sigmund Freud's birthday? Psychotherapy was our family religion.

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