Sunday, July 24, 2016

Tai Chi: You'll feel more energy after the class, so you won't regret it

Tai Chi for your Health

Tai Chi is a complete whole-body exercise.
Tai Chi can be practiced anywhere, anytime, with no need for special gear or a change of clothing.
Practiced by millions of people over the centuries, Tai Chi has been proven helpful to the health of the body.

The benefits of Tai Chi

for body and mind
Regular Tai Chi practice has been found to help reverse the physical effects of stress as well as restore harmony both physically and mentally.

some of the physical benefits
Improved flexibility, balance, immune function, cardiovascular function and motor coordination.
Reduction in pain and tension. Better sleep patterns and increased energy.

some of the mental benefits
Reduced stress and anxiety, increased ability to relax, better concentration and focus, and an enhanced sense of well-being.

Tai Chi and Health

health maintenance
If you want to practice Tai Chi to maintain your health, come to our class regularly once a week.
Your present health will be maintained.
Your hands and feet will be warmer.
You will find that your sleeping is deeper and more restful.

So don't skip a class, even if you feel tired and run down. You'll feel more energy after the class, so you won't regret it.

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