Sunday, March 26, 2017

Improvisational Meatballs

Since I am still eating mush I decided to make meatballs. I have never made them before. I read a few recipes to get the idea. When I saw the paragraph of chemical preservatives on the pre-made Italian breadcrumbs I decided to make my own. Since I was low on bread I made them out of oats pulverized in the food processor, with Italian herbs, red chili, garlic, salt pepper, milk and egg. Then I mashed the mixture of pork and ground beef by hand with cornmeal in a big bowl. It felt great to play with dough. I love dough. I love mushing food with my hands. I sauteed the meatballs in olive oil in my 12 inch skillet. I was too impatient to sear them. So I decided to add tomato puree and raw garlic and more puree and then I transferred it to my dutch oven into a preheated 350 degree oven. And now I am going to forget about them and go for a long walk. Happy Sunday my darlings.

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