Sunday, August 14, 2022

creative work can sometimes even be a welcome break from the chaos of a family vacation.

Particularly for those of us who enjoy our work, if you can’t — or, let’s face it, won’t — disconnect from work on vacation, let me assure you: It is probably OK. Work is no worse a way to spend vacation downtime than watching TV or perusing Instagram — and creative work can sometimes even be a welcome break from the chaos of a family vacation.

It is also OK, however, to take little vacations during working hours. An hour outside reading a novel, an afternoon bike ride, lunch with a friend, leaving the office (or desk at home) a little early to shop for and cook a special dinner: If you’re thoughtful and intentional about it, dispensing with strict boundaries between work and the rest of life can make a fuller, less burned-out life possible.

Alexis Grant, a West Virginia-based entrepreneur, told me that she and her husband regularly take time out of their workday to hike — frequent shorter strolls, and a two-to-three-hour hike together once a week. The conversations they have on them also have a work value, she says: “We call them our Genius Hikes because we often end up helping each other with work challenges.”

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