Saturday, March 25, 2023

Love Her!

Be the kind of woman who lifts other women up, and who doesn't try to bring them down. ⁣

I came from a small town in Canada, in a big family, with not much money to rub between us. I have a healthy fear of being in the limelight at all, conscious of other women saying "she's getting too big for her britches" or "she thinks she's too good for us". I've had women say things like this to me, and I still haven't quite mastered not being hurt by it.⁣

It's just a tragedy that some gals are hell-bent for leather to snuff the light out in others.⁣ So I'd like to give a great big shout-out to all the women out there who are actively trying to help other women up. The world needs more of that!⁣

TODAY, I encourage you to do something kind for another woman, tell the gals in your life that you love, and how you feel about them. Connect with your dearest friends. Reach out to family. Be supportive. Find the good in others. ❤️⁣

You just never know what kind of secret battles people are fighting or have been through. Be a source of light and positive influence today, and be mindful of your words, as they attract what comes to you. ⁣

We are all a work in progress. That's one of the beauties of life.⁣

Have a wonderful weekend!⁣
With love, ⁣
Joan 💕⁣

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