Friday, March 31, 2023

You will discover that if you give YOURSELF what you need . . .

The chores will get done but they should never come first unless you want them to. You come first! I think it was Joyce Carol Oates who said when she gets her writing done first she lets herself vacuum as a reward! I love that.
 I get very grumpy if chores come ahead of my time. Our time may look invisible to others and even to ourselves but we know it when we don't have it -- that space to rest and breathe and sip coffee and yes, listen to the birds. 
You will discover that if you give YOURSELF what you need it's almost a joy to do those chores. Your brain has been fulfilled and you celebrate by washing the dishes and the clothes. Trust me! 
EXPERIMENT for a while and I bet you will tell me that I am correct. My exception is ROMEO pup. I will walk him first because that is good for both of us although he is willing to wait. He has the yard meanwhile.

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