Friday, March 24, 2023

North Light and Ripe Bananas

The bananas ripened overnight in the paper bag. My seasonal transmit energy is diminishing and I am grouchy about it. The good news is I finished two memoirs in 2 days one by Erika Krouse Tell me Everything, and Paul Newman, The Extraordinary life of an Ordinary Man. I have two more bedside, Roald Dahl and George Ballanchine.

They've been tearing up our street to put in a gas line and the machinery sounds like military helicopters. I don't mind because I am in my perch reading with ROMEO leaning on me and north light illuminating the room.

Woonsocket, Stories Delivered is an excellent title since so many stories do get delivered to me just by answering the door or walking around downtown. When I was walking in the suburbs it was like walking through a morgue. People actually want this tidy oppression of white sameness? I like the variety and exotic pulse of the city. Give me authenticity over tidy any day.

 Reminds me of the lady I knew who had her kitchen remodeled. It was white everything and no food or countertop appliances showing. It looked like the optometrist office. Then there were three bar stools for quick noshing and bad posture. Sometimes I think women do not want to admit they need to eat.

When I made a batch of biscotti for the carpool lady she thanked my husband and confessed that she gave them all away.

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