Thursday, June 15, 2023


Charmaine was the churlish one of the three Lumiere sisters. Everyone accepted that Charmaine had a rough start. The port wine stain covering half her face didn't help matters. Her siblings excused her bad behavior. But not Erica.

She would confront Charmaine about her rude remarks. Once on an overnight visit Erica packed Charmaine's bags the next morning and placed them at the door. Goodbye Charmaine, she said, and Charmaine has never been invited back.

Erica imagined it all started with Charmaine's parents, Donald and Alice, on their honeymoon, which erupted into a fight over Alice's pregnancy. Donald wanted the pregnancy terminated. Alice threw a glass of red wine at him. Nine months later Charmaine was born with the stain. Two more sisters and a baby brother followed but the marriage was doomed. Alice ended up raising them all herself.

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