Sunday, June 18, 2023

The Haunted House

The haunted house has chirping smoke detectors. I hear them because the second floor windows are wide open. They've been open for weeks. The tenants sabotaged the apartment by flooding it on their way out on the night of their eviction. Now the landlord is trying to dry the building out by keeping all the windows open, rain or shine. 

The third floor apartment also has a few missing windows, they were shattered during domestic arguments a few years ago. Those tenants spend winters using multiple space heaters. They have no smoke detectors at all. 

At this point I'm beginning to think the landlord wants to destroy the building for the insurance money. Meanwhile, doors and windows are wide open and the building chirps.


The Fire Marshal came and closed a few windows and then went up to the third floor to give those tenants smoke detectors. "Our appliances are broken!" they told him. So he referred them to Mr. B in housing.

A few days later we saw a man in a white hooded Tyvek suit in the second floor window. He was spraying. He showed up in an unmarked beat up blue Toyota SUV with RI plates. Maybe he's the exterminator. The tenants had told us about an infestation of cockroaches in the building. We've heard of exterminators having to drive discreet vehicles. Nope! He is painting over the walls, floor, hardware, knife stabs in the doors, even spraying the door knobs, all to hide the mold smell and damage. He's whitewashing the sins. He sprayed all seven rooms in one day so it can be rented immediately. Meanwhile the stench of mold continues to haunt the remaining building dwellers. The landlady has never set foot here although she claimed to our city that she lived here on the second floor. She wanted the home owner's tax exemption, and it was a supposed to be a condition of her mortgage. She lives in a fancy suburban house 45 minutes away. Her mortgage company is in Chicago.

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